Sunday, October 02, 2005

Houston Gamers wrap-up, also Hey Stupid Kids, Comics!

I got in a few hours at the Houston Gamers on Saturday. I taught a bunch of people how to play Reiner Knizia's Money, which was good. It's a great filler, it's cheap, it's easy to get, I love playing it; I really ought to pick up a copy. I also mis-taught several rules. Eeh, it's not rocket science.

I also played a 4-player game of San Juan, which I won in the last round by dropping a Guild Hall and going from 23 points, last place, to 37 points, first place. It was interesting.

Other than that, I talked to John, the owner. He's a month away from getting married, and we chatted a little about that. We also chatted about comics a lot, and he recommended "The Walking Dead" and "Ultra," both of which he:

1. sounded me out on general principles.
2. gave me a good sound bite.
3. physically put a trade paperback in my hands so I knew what it looked like and how the art was.
4. talked up the book without putting other books down.

"The Walking Dead" turns out to be classic zombie survival horror. "Hmm, Robert Kirkman, isn't he the guy that draws Invincible?" I asked.

"Yes, but The Walking Dead is his best book," John reported. I raised an eyebrow, and I read through the first third of the book right there. Damned if he wasn't right. Totally efficient, page-turning stuff. The first trade is only ten bucks. As John pointed out, that's cheaper than buying the comics in the first place!

We also agreed that Fables has mediocre art, and that early Starman and Ultimate Spiderman are great. Specifically, we both fixated on the scene where Spiderman, only 16 in this series, has broken into the Wilson Fisk building, knowing that he will probably meet up with the Kingpin. When the two meet, Spiderman is ready, with a series of fat jokes he has composed specifically for this occasion.

So, yeah. As the old saying goes, "Hey, stupid kids, comics!"


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