Friday, January 19, 2007

I'm in your oceans,

I got the pack of stickers.

Photo and Google Checkout link to be posted tomorrow. Say, did you know Google Checkout is giving people $10 credit when they sign up?

Why, if you signed up for Google Checkout, you could click on a link I will provide tomorrow, and buy a pack of classy 8" x 1.5" stickers that say, "I am ready for a black president." You'd be spending Google's free money! It's the high-flying late 1990's again!

One of my co-workers is in South America somewhere on a honeymoon and sent the office some pictures of his hot wife and the resort. It was a very large email and took a non-zero amount of time to pull down from the Exchange server.

Anyway, I cleaned up the image a little, compressing it and making it easier to load:

Of course, it's not done until it's, y'know, labeled correctly:

This is my own, original composition, by me, Todd D.; please include attribution and link to me if you use it somewhere else. The very long cat's name is longcat. He lives in the internet, and by some accounts is more than 10,000 feet tall.

All my love goes out to Paint.NET, a college kid's senior project that's turned into a good drawing program that's free, decent, and fun to use. It's not Corel Graphics Suite X3, but it launches quickly and doesn't cost $400.


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