Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chris has a board game party (retrospective)

Chris had a board game party a couple weeks ago.

I taught Nobody But Us Chickens to 5 other people. Played Ra with Ed and Larry and RJ. Taught David Blue Moon City. Played San Juan and Lord Of The Rings: The Confrontation with Larry.

This was a nice balance between teaching, learning new games, and enjoying old favorites. The only one that was new-ish to me was LotR: The Confrontation. It's rough stuff - the Fellowship of the Ring is trying to get Frodo to Mordor, and the bad guys are in the way. I've played it a few times and never seen the good guys win. I almost saw that happen once. I suspect that it requires a great deal of luck and skill to happen at all. Larry and I enjoyed playing it - it's like Stratego with all the tedium stripped out.

Chris has a wide range of people (old Rice U alumni, church friends, gaming buddies) who attend his parties, which takes a certain level of panache to pull off. Chris managed brilliantly, again. The fact that quite a few of his church friends are beautiful women doesn't hurt, either.


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