Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sinus troubles

I've been dragging the last few weeks and haven't managed to get a good blog post together. Sorry, folks.

I did have two game sessions, one where I played Rheinlander (not impressed) and San Juan as a session closer, then another where we played Phoenicia again and then finished by learning Medici vs. Strozzi, a tense two-player that may be too tense for me.


Blogger Coldfoot said...

I wasn't initially impressed with Rheinlander either. My wife really likes the game so I have since played many games.

After the third or fourth game I was starting to dig it. My wife is really quite good at it. I would recommend playing with experienced players before rejecting the game out of hand, some interesting strategies might appear and change your appreciation of the game.

No it isn't a deep game and it ends just when you think you've got a good start. Nor is it light fare, I find it to be a solid German design. To me setting yourself up for an early ending is the hardest part to get my head around, but once I did that I found the game to be quite enjoyable.

11:55 PM  
Blogger Tim - A GameBuff said...

Quality over quantity posts is good as well, and real life and health are more important than the internet, though how I miss it when real life sticks it's claws in me.

I too was away from the lovely distractive internet fighting my own virulent strain of a cold combined with allergies. I hope your family stays all healthy like for October and even longer :)

Buffalo GameBuffs blog

7:09 AM  

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