Saturday, July 05, 2008

Party Preparations: making Funkenschlag: Atolla Modulis

Lee's headed out of town in a few weeks and I'm throwing a game party. That means gearing up with more games. I've already gotten out Ubongo and played that to refresh my memory on the rules. I need to get the rules to Pandemic and Blindes Huhn out to pracice those as well.

Friday morning I used up the last of my spray adhesive gluing together the tiles for the Power Grid Modular Atolls free expansion. I didn't glue the market together because I want to use the alternate market graphic there at the Geek.

Other party preparations:
Create an 18IA playset that's less ugly than before. This encompasses re-drawing the stock market in Inkscape, revising the trains (number and appearance), and printing something to mount on cardboard.

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